The Bay of Quinte Conference Annual Meeting CAM 2011 is taking place at Cambridge Street United Church in Lindsay. The theme is the Tree of Life. The theme presenter is the moderator of the United Church of Canada, Marti Tindal. Drawing on a course Mary-Jo Leddy presented on the theological thought of Wendel Berry, she talks of four movements of creation. The Tree of Life in Autumn, the Tree of Life in Winter and the Tree of Life in Spring and yes, the Tree of Life in Summer.
Running parallel to the general conference is the Youth Forum. Marly, David, Cathy and Laura and other leaders foster youth participation in smaller events throughout the year. Jackie promotes from the Conference office. Numbers of those attending the youth portion are up from last year; 50 or so in 2010 and 60 plus in 2011. The youth and the adults associated with the youth forum follow a separate program that intersects at points with the general conference. The youth bring energy to the event and put on view their capacity for leadership. Some members of the Youth Forum are also voting members in the court of the Conference.
I am one of the leaders of the small groups of youth -- identified under the sycamore tree. The first evening the group members shared something about background and current interests. They talk about "social justice" and "care for the environment" as personal priorities.
There is so much happening here. Michiko is flamboyant in striped pajama trousers. She is leading Yoga before breakfast. Later she is Spanish style long black skirt topped by a turquoise shirt. She is a student of social justice and peace studies at King's College, Western and has just returned from a group trip to El Salvador and Guatemala. We experimented with a Spanish language conversation over pita supper last evening.
Jonathan (Jon) rapidly develops on all fronts. He has plans to support a friend in replacing his riding's M.P., if not four years, then eight years from now. At 17 he has time to make long range plans. His guitar skills advance and he leads us in a jam session of Beatle songs. The volume of conversation rises in the rooms. We learn various techniques for gaining silence -- hand raised up, mouth closed shut. Shy youth learn to speak. The group show insight and compassion. Being with them lifts me up.
Marti Tindal participates in an eco game, Cathy's holy motion exercises, and she answers questions about the role of the moderator. A student questions whether organized religion has a future. Tindal understands the United Church as committed to a "conversation" that will be guided and gifted by the Holy Spirit. She points to the church's opening to the First Peoples. No one knows how the Spirit will move but responsive to the Spirit the church will continue.
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