Have you heard the word "wiki"? On the internet we have "wikipedia," a free encyclopedia that is 10 times as big as the Encyclopedia Britannica and, according to some researchers, of equivalent quality. Wikipedia was created by volunteers and you can go onto the internet, go to Wikipedia, look up a subject you have some knowledge about, sign in and update and strengthen the article. Wiki’s are platforms for "mass collaboration," and they reveal the potential and the power of following. The articles that many people develop together are all anonymous. Many people collaborate without thought of personal benefit in order to create together something that could not be created by one individual.
We are currently in the age of the "wiki." Perhaps a previous age was about the hero, the individual innovator, entrepreneur, researcher working alone. The challenges and creations of today make this the age of the follower. People today do not follow in order to imitate mindlessly; they follow to carry forward significant tasks collaboratively.
Linux is another example. This is the Operating System (OS), the open software that thousands of software developers and and companies have worked on to power all sorts of devices -- computers, GPS, mobile phones and so on. No-one owns Linux. Many -- 3,200 developers in two years 07-09 -- have contributed to it. One man posted some code, another saw it and improved on it and then more and more followed suite. Linux is the creation that could not have been created by just one company.
Jesus and the Christian movement understood this process long ago. The first action of Jesus after his baptism and time of strengthening in the desert was to call followers. From what we can gather Simon and Andrew answered the call of Jesus immediately. James and John modeled their response on Simon and Andrew. They did not hesitate but left their nets to become fishers of people. Today people follow Jesus because they witness good people following Jesus. People meet Jesus through the mediation of the Church, the followers of Jesus. Our role as follower of Jesus is very important. We model a possibility for others. We show how one can work collaboratively to carry through great projects. Let us remember that the Western systems of education and health-care, the universities and hospitals were church community initiatives. We have to ask ourselves what initiatives are needed today? Will the churches collaborate with other faith traditions and secular movements to contribute to the sustainability of the human presence on earth? What will we contribute to the vulnerable eco-systems of the suffering earth?
The Wiki of today is not/ and should not be a "mob." The Wiki is and should be geared to a good purpose, and it self-regulates, is open to constant correction. In the same way the movement in response to Jesus is not to be a mob. A Church is to be self-critical and self-regulating. The Christian movement remembers that the first disciple -- Simon Peter -- was disciplined by Jesus. Simon wanted Jesus and the early community to evade the cross. The Messiah, in Simon Peter's view, was not to suffer. Jesus says to Peter -- Get behind me, Satan. In other words, Simon Peter, get in line with my acceptance of the cross for if you refuse to follow me to the cross you are straying onto the path of Satan.
The Christian church communities of today can learn from the Wiki collaborations that are a feature of the present age. We can learn to take on important tasks, using our best talents and current skills in a fashion that will not seek individual rewards and solely personal advantage. We can embrace the technology of our time to collaborate more effectively than we have done in past. The early Christian movement understood that the body of Christ can do great things.
The Wiki movements of today can learn from the Christian movement as it has again and again over 2000 years taken up the challenge of reform of our mass collaboration. Collaboration -- that is, church community -- should serve the poor and, as we understand better today the good of the whole earth. This collaboration should be done in freedom and without coercion. This collaboration must look beyond advantage to be gained in our own lifetime. We follow in order to contribute to the good of the whole. And we collaborate with the knowledge that the more firmly we keep Jesus' words and actions in mind, the more we remain open to the influence of the Holy Spirit, the more complete and effective will be our contribution.
To mention one follower of Jesus who has passed on: On Friday we went to the memorial service at Christ Church for our friend Canon Tim Grew. The church was full and the many conversations were about the influence that Tim had in the lives of the people who knew him. Tim worked with many social justice causes, he was always on the side of the poor. And he was a man who loved to enter into a conversation. Tim had been a follower of Jesus his whole life. He had strengthened by both encouragement and criticism many other followers of Jesus. I hope that each one of us can be a follower of Jesus for others. I hope that each one of us can reach out to many others in a network of love and service especially for those most in need.